Yep, it's here. My first ever tutorial. My bestie is having a baby, and I am hosting the shower. I knew immediately that I wanted a diaper cake for the centerpiece. (and I thought to myself 'self, wouldn't your readers LOVE a tutorial on how to make this cute thing?') So here it is. Feel free to ask any questions and remember, I LOVE COMMENTS!
Supplies needed:
- About 70 diapers (I used size 2)
- Baby bottle (center of cake)
- Cake circle (base of cake)
- Rubberbands
- Lots and lots of ribbon
Step 1:
Lay diaper out with design facing up

Step 2:
Start rolling diaper, starting with the open end (that way the design on the diaper is hidden) secure rolled diaper with ribbon (or rubberbands). Roll all of the diapers and set them aside.

Step 3:
Mark the center of the cake circle. (I cut mine from a leftover pizza box - using a record as a template)

Step 4:
Secure bottle to cake circle. Surround bottle with diaper rolls (my first round took 7 diapers) and secure with a rubberband.

Step 5:
Continue by surrounding the first ring with another ring of diapers and secure with a ribbon (my rubberbands wouldn't stretch big enough to secure the second ring). I found it was easiest to lean the diapers against the first ring, loop the ribbon around the ring and use the ribbon to tighten the second ring, adjusting the diapers as needed.

Step 6:
Repeat step 5 to make the third ring. (the bottom tier uses about 40 diapers)

Step 7:
Now, repeat step 4 and surround the top of the bottle with diapers to make the first ring of the second tier.

Step 8:
Repeat step 5 to make the second ring on the second tier.
Step 9:
Next I used craft sticks to secure the third tier to the other two.

Step 10:
Place one rolled diaper in the center of the craft sticks. Next, surround them with diapers like you did in the fourth step and secure them with a rubberband.

Step 11:
Cover rubberbands with some decorative ribbon. Take this time to make sure the tiers are level and all of the diapers are facing a uniform direction.

Step 12:
Now add bows, baby items, ribbons, or whatever you feel makes your diaper cake gorgeous.
(sorry about the safety pins - the glue wasn't dry but I wanted to get this tutorial done!)
Step 13: Stand back and take in your amazing 'crafty' abilities!
I linked up to Creative Cats on Poppies at Play, go check it out!